Archive for the ‘Random Text’ Category


Root Experience & the Hidden Project…


Between Spring 2017 and Summer this year, 2019 I was on and off involved with a Brighton-based community arts and theatre charity organisation, Root Experience on their Hidden Project which culminated in the creation of a graphic novel style book, ‘Hidden Stories’.

I joined a series of workshops with a group of people living with invisible conditions / hidden disabilities.  We explored our experiences through visual art, storytelling and soundscapes – and contributed to a film about participation in the sessions which can be seen on the Root Experience website under Hidden Stories project.


My main contribution was to assemble a multi-sensory visual arts and creative writing installation, under the title of ‘Sensing Red’, based on my challenges with hypersensory sensitivity, from both Asperger’s and fibromyalgia syndrome, and with bipolar disorder. This glaringly visual, variously tactile and noise-making ‘piece’ also included red berry sweets to taste (& eat) plus ‘red hot’ sandalwood and ginger fragrance-infused fabric to smell.  The accompanying booklet ABLED can be seen as a slideshow below, at the end of the post.


In July 2017 the workshop participants and creative partners of Root Experience presented a weekend’s interactive exhibition of our creative contributions – called the Hubbub – in Brighton Dome’s Founders Room gallery space.

The Hubbub asked the question:  “What’s behind your mask?”  There the public could explore, through discussion, writing, film-viewing and object-manipulation, what they comprehended of their own and others’ hidden stories.


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Quite coincidentally, outside the Dome building on New Road, the UK’s first Disability Pride was being held – with stalls, speeches, bands and other creative performances; two events linking the somewhat-known &/or visible and the lesser-known &/or invisible experiences of persons living with different abilities: outside of ‘the norm’.


Root Experience wished to expand on the work and the ideas that emerged from the 8 week course; they put out a bid to win an ITV People’s Projects award to run similar workshops in 10 towns across South East England and from those, and the Brighton sessions, create a book to illustrate – literally – some general and shared experiences – and information – about how it can be to live with hidden conditions.

I assisted with the graphics side of the fundraising bid, including parading with others as A-frame poster-wearers, through Saturday shoppers and cafe-scene quaffers, on a busy Brighton afternoon.  We won our award and a year later the book ‘Hidden Stories’ was launched in the 10 towns’ libraries.

This journey – along with many participants’ personal blog posts and video interviews – can be followed on the web link above.  Root Experience describe their book thus:

“Hidden Stories is a playfully illustrated book about what it’s like to live with an invisible condition like anxiety or autism. Really it’s about all of us, and our everyday struggle to simply be ourselves.”

A digital version of the book can be downloaded for free from the website / via this link.


Slideshow of ABLED :  A-normal  B ooklet  L isting  E nigmatic  D isorders

– exploring my Aspie voice on the light and dark questions of disability versus difference ability…

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OTTP’s #Post-Simplism Movement is Manifest-o!


SSDropSpin+Sddlscmb'18It is with a sense of extreme urgency that I am launching the #neuroDV_art* revolutionary creativist** ‘movement’ #Post-Simplism***…

I do so in honour of the Nobel Peace Prize-awardable heroism shown by Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, and all of the international young person students who were striking (from school education) today and in weeks past about the global Climate Crisis.

My own neurodiverse (ND) diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome Condition was not realised until late in my life (age 55); from that I learned of the aspie ‘way’ – of being highly globally concerned, whilst challenged by familial, partners, and other ‘local’ peers social relating – which had been my experience from a very young age.

My neurodiverse mental processing is overwhelmed by news and magazine print and online screens, does not relate well to the disembodied voices on the radio, and so I have not been ‘up-to-date’ with all the negative news, the literal madness being perpetrated in the world.

But learning about the supreme logic and honesty of Greta’s public speaking at TEDx-Stockholm for the URGENT call to action to change our behaviours for the sake of the planet’s sustainable ecology, has inspired me.  (Blue text links in this & above paragraphs go to Greta Thunberg online…)

SSMadMaxMobile'18I also strongly need to express my concerns, by expanding my creative recycling visual artist practice and lifestyle into a ‘movement’ to be shared: a call out to other ND persons who care deeply (and struggle painfully) at the totally illogical way that our societies are functioning and managed.

It is a call to passionate grassroots action and empowerment – through creativity – by, and for, neurodiverse younger and older persons.


* #neuroDV_art –  see OTTPs creativist works and actions on ig from here;

plus see more  #neuroDV_fotoart  posts also  @s.walkr.luc on instagram – from this link…

** creativist = creative activist

*** simplism = a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation); an act of excessive simplification; the act of making something seem simpler than it really is

The #Post-Simplism (P-S) Manifesto

A personal and planetary political 13-step Creativist Recovery process and programme

1. Post-Simplism is a movement by and for the highly intelligent and globally-caring neurodiverse persons of planet Earth…

2. Post-Simplism manifestly recognises that the time of simplist views re the planetary and humanity evolution have passed their excusable date…

3. Post-Simplism is a call-to-join an alternative #neuroDV_art creative movement that is eco- and persons-sustainable on all levels…

4. The ‘Simplism’ of P-S honours simplicity and the maxim ‘Live simply that others may simply live’…

5. The ‘Post’ of P-S references the social media age of the blog / vlog / ig / twitter / other posting as valid, non-verbal, ‘alone-friendly’ communication…

6. Post-Simplism embraces any and all forms of recycling of resources: products and philosophies and practicality…

7. Post-Simplism rejects any and all forms of fundamentalism as non-logical and highly-imbalanced…

8. Post-Simplism favours ‘difference ability’ over disabled / abled / non-disabled concepts and rejects conformity to a ‘normal’.  Simplism is a reclaiming of the term ‘simple’ as it has been used derogatively or condescendingly…

9. Post-Simplism reaches out across (& beyond) the globe, amongst the varied categories of Earth citizens, and across the several dimensions of being…

10. Post-Simplists embrace the honesty and integrity that is ‘walking their talk’ re addressing the global / humanity crisis and evolution…

11. Post-Simplists communicate in their neurodiverse (non-neuro-typical) way: at their pace, in their style, with their integrity…

12. Post-Simplists favour gratitude versus greed; creativism versus consumerism; creative recycling mindfulness versus new product retail therapy; they favour – wherever and whenever possible – logical & local eco-revolution: trains v. planes, trolley v. taxi, paper v. plastic, vegetarian v. omnivore, humanism v. religion/dogma, community v. centralisation, local business v. online budget spending, etc…

13. Post-Simplism will commit to updating (&/or rearranging the steps of) the P-S Manifesto with new knowledge, new insight, and with space and time…





Grow : Wellbeing in Nature…



For eight weeks – from August to October – I had the incredible privilege of participating on a course of consecutive Thursdays spent in beautiful South Downs countryside.  It was the twentieth ‘season’ of the Grow Project’s wellbeing in Nature courses, known affectionately by all as Grow20.  This highly-effective immersion in ‘the green’ was hugely beneficial for my mental health; as a person with Asperger Syndrome, being out in the expansive space made relating with others much easier.

These courses have been funded and supported by several partner organisations: the National Trust, University of Brighton,  South Downs National Park Authority, the City’s Council – and Big Lottery Fund.  They are based at National Trust-owned Saddlescombe Farm and facilitated by Grow’s paid and volunteer workers, by NT rangers and the tenant sheep farmers, Camilla & Roly: on the farm, in the garden and orchard; out and about on the Downs; in community gardens in Brighton & Hove, including at Stanmer Park Organics – and also most-ably facilitated by all in the sharing of ‘potluck’ food together!

I hope that the fotomosaic images in the slideshow below, and the writings – that formed a part of my eight weeks’ journalling – will give a flavour of this special ‘season’ and the en-joy-ment that it brought to all…

Henrietta begat Coriander:
Pet Lambs Acrostic
SddlscmbSheepinPen0917Hay bales
Nettles sting
Russet/carrot salad
Intention cards
Ewe’s udder
Testing teats…
Tractors: great & small
“Away!” sheepdog call

Barn owl pellet
English mutton/lamb
Garden picnic
Trolley stops-in-van

Cocoa ‘n’ date treat
Orange nasturtiums
Roly’s & Freddie’s farm
Intelligent creatures
Ant on to-do card
New ‘clan’ buddies
Dew pond photo
Edible flowers
Roof chorus grouse
[No! they were guinea fowl…]

(and, if I remember rightly, Henrietta was grandmother sheep to lamb, Coriander)

After an afternoon of ‘hurricane season’ cloud-watching on the Downs, I spent a week writing a haiku per day – based on that afternoon and the weather outside my east Brighton windows…

Weather Consciousness Haikus


not-so-Andy-Goldsworthy wild art ‘Dungmobile’ – it moves with the wind!

Cloudscape bonanza:
Sun hat off and rain hood up;
Beech trees umbrella.

Blue-shirted school boys’
Astro-turf footie tempered
By the cloudless sky…

Breeze whips cumulous
Away and lends the laundry
Wrinkles with sun scents

Dull platinum sky
Spits and ripples the rust-like
Algae’d stone bird bath

Grey, mild, but drizzling:
Weather brings down my spirit
Along with the leaves.

Autumn in the air:
Bring out the long socks, long sleeves;
Relish wardrobe shift!

Oh, cheer! Sun seeps through:
Blanket grey’s blue-broken;
Bird bath water’s warmed.

(more haikus – one per day over a month for NaPoWriMo 2014 – can be seen on my ‘sibling’ blog site: OTTP Haiku City)

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Sadly, due to funding cuts, Grow21 season, due this winter, had to be cancelled.  I will now be volunteering assistance to fundraise for this very worthwhile project;  the Grow Project invites donations from any source – and it’s possible to watch their beautifully hand-painted, research evaluation animation – “nature-based intervention for mental health” – to understand the benefits of such courses and group days spent in the ‘great outdoors’.  To donate, visit Grow’s Facebook page



On The Trolley Swapovers x2…


BlueTrolleyBrollyFSCafLooIn my absence from blogging over the past two plus years, my household/wardrobe has seen two changes of the invaluable trolley: my companions of 35+ years!  Last witnessed on OTTP: PINARW was the skyblue(ish) Hoppa – as seen here outside the now-closed public convenience which has given way entirely to the Frank-in-Steine Cafe in Brighton’s Old Steine Gardens…


Next to arrive on the scene was the outlandishly brightly-hued Red & WhiteCircleSpotted model – a mere Hoppa lookalikey that was riddled with built-in obsolescence: it’s bag had to be remounted on the skyblue(ish) Hoppa’s frame&wheels with extra bunjies support, whilst its top flap became discoloured with unseemly black streaks when I attempted to reinforce its flimsy textile underside with felt and a well-known latex glue…


SSRedTrolleyShrhmSeaFlora0719However, the Red trolley has served me well and enjoyed varied adventures and daytrip ‘jollies’.  Here seen in sunny July amongst the pebble beach flora and vegetables of Shoreham-by-the-Sea – following a perambulate alongside the houseboats moored on the mudflats of said West Sussex-bordering harbour town.

Come September (with sturdy brolley-walkingstick-alternative onboard) it positively shone, yet again, under the hurricane season skies of Eastbourne – following a lightening dash to the Towner Gallery of said East Sussex resort and centre of the arts.


(The same Red wheeled companion will feature in a future post regarding invisible disability creativity…)



Sadly, Hoppa have met so much competition in the now-fashionable world of the humble trolley, that it is reduced to only producing an all-black model in the compact (back-of-the-bus travel friendly) size…  This was too sombre for my taste, having relished the classic Tartan patterned models of yesteryear.


I had to search long and hard to find the Red model’s replacement… It remains to be seen how long it will be until the latest Herringbone Brown patterned not-Hoppa-but-copy model will remain on its own two wheels…


On a positive and factual note, the current Herringbone Brown has already stood proud against the dynamic and lawful brickwork of the Old Courthouse in Brighton, but then witnessed lawlessness (a vandalised bus shelter on the University of Sussex campus: shock horreur!)




H'bneTrolleyBusStopBreakage1017So subtle – yet stunning – is the combination of my herringbone weave Autumn coat and my herringbone features trolley that I was simply unable (in spite of 3 attempts) to upload the image of the two together onto this blog post…

And so, onward and upward with the Off the Trolley Productions – and with those in the trolley: cushion(s)/emergency rations/spare bunjy (cf vaccuum cleaner adventure of earlier blog post circa 2013)/etc…



The 28months Catch Up Post…


Hooray for Steroids!  No wonder the sports officials have to test the athletes of the World…

In April & May of 2015 I moved home.  I developed tennis elbow from packing multiple smallish boxes that I could manage to lift myself…  I already suffered with referred nerve pain in my hands.  With fibromyalgia I was exhausted and in pain for months; blogging seemed out of the question.  The absence from creative online activity continued until 28 months had elapsed since my last post…

But hope arrived – finally – a few weeks ago: in the form of a steroid injection to my carpal tunnel syndrome’d right wrist – making extra computer mousework† more possible and less painfully agitating.  Hooray again!  († see Glossary category” Part 2)

So here is a selection of fotomosaics in a slideshow to illustrate the journal of my life over the past two and a quarter years… they’ll show home making, beach combing, dog walking, banner wielding, herb&bulb gardening, decorations hangings, out&about adventuring – and much mobile phone photographing.

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