Posts Tagged ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’


Trans* Rememberance…


20th November is International Transgender Day of Rememberance, a day when around some parts of the world there is an acknowledgement of the hundreds of transgendered people who are murdered for being other: for being trans…

The recorded figures come close to 250 this year; the majority of those killed are transwomen of colour in South American countries, particularly Brazil.  However, there are estimated to be  closer to 1000+ transpersons whose violent deaths are not recorded, including those by suicide and deaths in prisons…

Rememberance gatherings in Brighton were held on the 20th at the University of Sussex and on Sunday, 23rd in the Methodist Church building where the Clare Project social drop-in gathering and counselling sessions are offered weekly to transgendered and questioning persons, from the City and beyond.

By way of rememberance, I offer my photojournal screenshot ‘mosaics’ – from mobile phone camera; my favourites from June through November 2013.  These are a symbol of my good fortune, as a non-binary transperson in the UK, to live freely – and safely – by day and by night, expressing myself just as I am.  These also represent my appreciation of the City that has hosted the UK’s first Trans* Pride and whose Council leads the way in its commitment to improving and making equal the lives of young and adult transpersons, and in its zero tolerance of trans hate crime.

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